
Monday, August 12, 2013

TR Task #2

So I made another pattern w/0 any gathers. Here's how it looked like. I took a photo just in case my 3rd attempt fails. I didnt include gathering technique isince i wasnt sure if i could execute it properly and after the first pattern i wanted to skip it at all cost!

But after i stitched all the pieces together, the bottom of the sleeve area looks so flat. So i ripped the stitches again and decided to gather the flat part. And folks, heres the 3rd and final product. I'm just glad i'm done with this task. Whewwwww! Thank Gooodness I didnt quit! :)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

TR Task #2 (the failed attempt)

It took me awhile to start on this particular task. Mainly because my mind just went blank, i dont know how to incorporate the 3 lessons... flare, gather and pocket. I swear i need to work on my design skills cause its as slow as a turtle. :(( My first attempt was a failure and i spent my entire Sunday sewing it. It started out great. i had my design laid out and cut and sew some parts...

Until I reach to the pocket area and sew some of the parts in wrong places. I swear I was studying my design before sewing them but i dont know whatttt went wrong. At first I thought I figured things out but after attaching the pieces together, I wanted to cryyy when I saw this popping out!!! :(((( huzzzzzahhh! How did that happen??!!! Whyyyy is it popping outttttt???!!! Waaaaaaaahhhhh!!! The worst part is i dont have enough sewing allowances left. :( I was riping for the nth time so my o.5cm allowances is a bunch of threads now, :(.

What i get from this experience? I learned that it's fine to be ambitious and to fail. The important thing is you persevere and you don't let that break your spirit. I'm starting all over again with a new and simpler pattern. We can do this, Lhynxieepooo! :) 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sew: Shorts with a fly!

Pattern: Self-drafted
Fabric: Bedsheet Fabric (i dont know the exact name)
Cost: Php 69 ($1.50)
Time Invested: 8-10hrs (Pattern, Cut, Sew)

Monday, August 5, 2013

WOMST: Shorts with a fly!!

What's on my sewing table? I'm making shorts for the little sister. And it has a fly-front zipper (oh yes, a fly-front!) and finally used my serger which i bought 7months ago! :)